Choreography Videos

Pinocchio Music Tracks

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Mainstage Productions Participation Details

  • See the Pinocchio Show schedule above

    All actors should be at the theatre, with hair and makeup done, 1.5 hours before every performance time.

    Actors should bring a storage bin, labeled with their name, to keep personal items in.

    All Dance shoes and personal items should be labeled.

    Actors can bring “clean snacks”, meaning snacks that do not create a mess on them, their hands or their clothes. No cheese, greasy foods, chocolate, red dyes etc. Suggestions include carrots, apple slices, plain pretzels. No eating in costume.

    Actors should bring water bottles that do not spill.

    Actors should have/wear deodorant. Even younger actors can smell from sweating under stage lights.

    Actors will be required to be at all assigned tech rehearsals.

    Parents will be volunteering for positions in front of house and back of house, and back stage. A sign up genius will be sent out.

    For more details, review our Mainstage Productions details page above or in the student handbook.